Wednesday, March 18, 2009


  • Hallo, Are you still there ?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My second Abstract Picture

My second Abstract Picture

Jakarta March 15, 2009
Agung Supomo Suleiman

Friday, March 13, 2009

  • The above picture is my first experimental Picture

Monday, March 9, 2009

starting my music blog

  • Yes, I have started establishing and opening my music blog
  • why am I opening this blog
  • the reason might be that I like playing music
  • sometimes there is a time, where you are asking yourself, why are you not doing music not just as a hobby but also a part of your job, where at least you must spare your time to do some exercise in playing and doing the things that you like such as music.
  • Yes, music is part of your life where you cannot avoid.
  • For instance relating to my experience, when I was small, in my early years, I was educated in Sacred Heart School in Peking, where my father was posted as a diplomat in China during the years of 1960 ies.
  • Music was an obligatory curriculum where I had choose violin as my music education.
  • Based on my earlier background I really found music as part of my live.
  • When I was in Holland, there was a piano in the Boarding School or Boarding house, where I had stayed for 3 years.
  • I played piano, occasionally, during that time and until now I liked to play organ/keyboard.
  • Every time I feel stress full, I just go to the keyboard and played the keyboard/organ.
  • and after playing for 1/2 hour I really feel released and comfort
  • My son Dwi ( Januar) had studied guitar since he was in elementary school and now he frequently played guitar with his friends, and also become active in music occasions and music arrangements.
  • His education is now in the Law Faculty of University of Indonesia, but he also frequently played guitar and band with his friends in the University when there are certain events.
  • I also sometimes like to play organ / keyboard together with him at home, just as a hobby .
  • well having said the above, I feel comfort and really found a place to write my feelings about music in this blog.
Agung Supomo Suleiman
Jakarta, March 9th, 2009

Music as Therapy

  • Music is part of your life
  • without music life is empty
  • if you are stressful, by hearing music you can heal and lessen your stress
  • if you happen to like playing music, music will be a therapy for your soul and mind
  • you can express your self through music
  • when playing music such as organ your fingers can move around freely in your organ
  • you can wildly express your self through such organ
  • if you are stressful, why don't you try to play music or listen to music
  • my experience with playing organ for instance, may really help you lessen your stress
  • you can play 1/2 hour and you then can feel the difference between your feeling before and after playing such music.
  • ok you may start trying the above therapy
Jakarta, February 9, 2009
agung supomo suleiman

Sunday, March 8, 2009

JAVA JAZZ 8 Maret 2009

  • It was really interesting and relax to see the Java Jazz Festival 2009 , 8 March 2009
  • Actually the festival were held for 3 days which is the 6th, 7th and the 8th of February 2009, which was held by Peter Gontha and were sponsored by BNI, Medco Energy and other sponsors.
  • My wife, me and my son watched this Java Jazz last night at the Jakarta Convention Hall Jakarta, Indonesia
  • We watched Bobby Dyle playing piano with his team
  • there was also Isao Suzuki from Japan and his team
  • the interesting part of listening to Jazz Music for me is the feelings of independence in expressing your self through music
  • the Universal communication with mankind regardless of your race is music
  • the players are communicating with each other and their audience throw music
  • this jazz music is really very interesting to listen because it comes from your soul and heart
  • sometimes the music seems endless there is no beginning and there is also no end
  • its like life cycle
  • even you have live long enough in this world you feel that your soul is always young
  • your physical body may be aging but your souls seems to be endless
  • today seems yesterday
Jakarta, March 9Th, 2009