Showing posts with label #Hotel IINSidw by Melia - Kogja Middle Java Indonesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Hotel IINSidw by Melia - Kogja Middle Java Indonesia. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

#Hotel IINSide bY MELIA - Jogja - middle JAVA - INDONESIA, pub-8800175897090009, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

#AgungSupomoSuleiman, Operator of this Blog and #AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL broadcasts this Video called Hotel IINSide by Melia Jogja January 2023.

It is a quiet and Cozzy Hotel in Jogjakarta, Middle Java Island Indonesia.

You and your family may try to stay in this hotel, during your travels and visit to Jogjakarta.

There were many local tourists who stayed in this hotel during the end of January 2023.

From your window, you can also see the Mountain and the Clouds when it's not raining.

Luckily, it was a shiny day during our stay at this Nice Hotel.

 As a YouTuber or Vlogger, we are eager to make a Vlog upon this event.

We can then share and upload it on our blog.

 #Jakarta, January 23, 2023