From my experience playing Keyboard during this 6 (Six) Months since October 2020, when I created my YouTube Channel, which I name it AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL, inspired by the name of my AGUNGSS MUSIC BLOG, I would like to expose some significant Points as to : How DO You Expose Playing Jazz Via Keyboard, as follows:
AA) Really having passion and loving playing songs with making improvisations Via your Keyboard Music Instrument.
BB) Dare exploring freedom in expressing your feelings via Keyboard.
CC) Identify your unique style & character in playing songs with your Keyboard.
DD) Regularly practise playing Keyboard by making combination with the 8 (Eight) White Key and 5 (Five) Key in each 1(one) Octave in your Keyboard
EE) Improve our Listening sounds on the 8 (Eight) Key Notes & 5 (Five) Key Notes in each 1(one) Octave in our Keyboard.
FF) Be fully aware that "IN FACT" there are only 5 (Octaves) in your Keyboard - Roland E -28, where each 1(One) Octave shall always only consists of 8 (Eight ) White Key Notes & 5 (Five) Black Key Notes
GG) The difference between the 5 (Five) Octaves is in the SCALE from :
Low Bass in the Left side of your Keyboard gradually increasing much higher to the Left Side of your Keyboard
By regularly practicing the above points, Insya AllAH (or with the permit of ALLAH as the Creator of this Whole Universe), we can Reach the Goal Target of playing Keyboard, which is :
"Mastering and Controlling"the Combination of the 8 (Eight) White Key plus 5(Five) Black Key.
This is analog to be the Captain and Pilot of your Car, where you as the Driver of the Car, can Master & Control the direction where we want to go with your Car.
II) Once in the progress of your practicing playing by Mastering & Controlling the 8 (Eight) White Key Notes & 5 (Five) Black Key Notes in each Octave of your Right and Left Hand,
you can have the full freedom in exploring & expressing your feeling in your finger Skills Movement by making :
any Combination between the 8(Eight) White Key - Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La Si-Do and the 5(Five) Black Key which in essence is 1/2(half) increasing or 1/2 (half) decreasing the White Key between each Black Key i.e :
- "Do" Plus 1/2 (Half) is equal to "Re" Minus 1/2(Half) (Please see the Photo Picture of the EIght White and 5 Black Key, shown in this brief illustration).
- "Fa" Plus 1/2 (Half) is equal with Sol minus 1/2 (Half)
- La plus 1/2 (half) is equal to Si Minus 1/2(Half)
- SOL plus 1/2 (Half) is equal to La minus 1/2 (HalF)
* REMARKS : 1/2 (Half) is the Black Color Key in the Keyboard
We have to "Focus" in using our "Ear Listening FUNCTION" to the sounds coming out from the Keyboard as results of pressing your fingers of your right and left hand
We also have to be "Focus" in using our brain to practice the finger movements skills in combining & putting the fingers in our Right and Left Hand on the 8 (Eight) White Key & 5 (Five) Black Color Key of your Right Hand & Left Hand.
Once you master & control the 8 (Eight ) White Key & 5 (Five) Black Key in each of the 1(One) Octave, you will be amazed in the progress of your discipline in training and practicing your Finger Skil Movements, you will enjoy the :
"By Product & Result" of your regularly practicing and playing your Keyboard, where you can explore playing improvisations, free style and exposing Jazz Rhythm on the songs that you are playing with your Keyboard.
Well I hope the above brief illustration will inspire you as HOW DO YOU EXPOSE PLAYING JAZZ VIA KEYBOARD.
One of the Concrete "By Product & Result, after, me as the creator of this AGUNGSS MUSIC BLOG and AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL, have regularly practiced playing my Keyboard with the above significant points, on a daily basis for more than 6 (Six) Months from October 2020.
Best Regards,
Jakarta, May 12, 2021
Agung Supomo Suleiman