of the best effort is to play such Oldies Song to another Rhythm such as
Jazzy Rhythm, to attract Milenial Viewers to listen to such song.
AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL tried to Re - expose and Produce an Oldies Indonesian Song by playing such Song with a JAZZY Rhythm VIA Keyboard played by Agung Supomo Suleiman
As we understand Songs are exposed through Sounds
listening by our two Ears, which than will be transmitted to our
Heart, where Milenial has their own taste in digesting and
interpretating Songs
For each and every generation to generation, in any part of the world, there will be a progress in the way and manner each of the generation makes interpretation upon Songs they love to hear.
Agung himself, is entering his Senior Citizen Phase in this Ever Lasting Changing Era.
He just recently started becoming member as a YouTuber since last Ctober, 2020 during this Pandemi Period.
doing so, he is able to make a "brief illustration", providing a
glance information relating to the Video Recording Songs he played with his
Keyboard, as produced by AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL
Re - Exposing Oldies Songs to MILENIAL, we can bridge "the music gap"
between the Oldies Generation and the Milenial Generation.
To enable becoming it as a reality, Agung created Social Media Platforms consisting of :
this Global Digila Era, we are able to perform real Action to bridge
the "Oldies Music Generation Lovers" with "Milenial Generation" to
the continuity &
of the Music Art Culture, .among others by Re Exposing the Oldies Song To Milenial with JAZZ Rhythm, as shown in the above Song Play Sepasang Mata Bola (A pair of Eye Ball) - Jazzy - Keyboard by Agung Supomo Suleiman.
AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL has just released and produced the above Video Recorded song play called "Coffee Sarungan Jazz Bossa Nova" which was played via Keyboard by Agung Supomo Suleiman.
It was Video recorded and produced this Sunday Morning May 23, 2021.
When Agung, woke-up this Morning, after making his Subuh Morning prayer, it was clear in his heart and mind that there was a song he wanted to play with his Keyboard.
Accordingly, he promptly put on his Keyboard and started making a Video Recording with his hand Phone on his song play which was on his heart and mind.
Agung did not wanted to lose the momentum of making a Video Recording on his play on the Song which flows from his heart via his Finger Play on his Keyboard.
It felt strongly like "an inspiration" in his mind and heart that he wanted to express a certain song thru the Keyboard.
Thru his Keyboard play he also wanted to introduced "Sarung" as the "Indonesian Traditional Dress"which he wore, when he played this Song Play, as shown in the above Video Recording.
After uploading the Edited Video Record, he uploaded it in his Created Own YouTube Channel
Thru this AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL, Agung is able to establish and maintain Global Communication with Global Viewers, exposing that in Indonesia, we have loved Jazz and Bossa Nova Rhythm, in playing the Unique Indonesian Songs.
At the same time, we can also introduce the Indonesian Traditional Dress such as Sarung as shown in the above Video Recorded Play.
We named the above Song Play :
"Coffee Sarungan Jazz Bossa Nova", which shows blended local Indonesian haritage culture and International Jazz Bossa Nova Rhytm
in playing and listening to this Song Play by Agung, as produced by AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL
Agung than shared such Video Recording through this : AGUNGSS MUSIC BLOG
In this Digital Information Technology Era, we as Individual can be creative and innovative, in establishing our own YouTube Channel, and shared to the Global Viewers around the Globe
Thus, it really depends on ourself, as to how we can contribute a certain "Value Added platform" to the Global Society Community, in this Global Borderless Digital Era.
AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL has released this beautiful Indonesian Oldies Song called Juwita Malam which is played by Agung Supomo Suleiman with his Keyboard in a Jazzy Cha Cha Cha Rhythm.
Agung has the passion to play Songs with a Jazzy Rhythm.
As soon as he has the mood to play his Keyboard, he immediately grab his Hand Phone and put it on the Video Camera Mode and stuck it in the Light Stand connecting it with the Sound Card V8 Plus which is connected with the Converter to the Keyboard.
As a Youtuber, he loves, making a Video Recording upon the Song that he played with his Keyboard so that it could be easily remembered, and can be uploaded in his YouTube Channel called AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL, and can be produced, uploaded and shared, with the Viewers, after making the necessary Video Editing.
In this Digital Era, it is really exiting where we also have to have the Knowledge and Know How, as to How we can promptly produce a Video Recording
This really depends upon ourselves how to be Innovative and creative, as to how we can explore our hobby to become a place to express ourselves to the Global Society.
Regardless of your age, even we are already in our Senior Phase, we still can be productive in producing a work of Art such as this Video Recording, which can be a Value Added to the Content of our Blog and YouTube Channel.
We can expose the Music Culture Heritage of the place that we are living to the GLOBAL WORLDWIDE BORDERLESS GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY..
Even we are separated hundreds of miles away by Continent and by Ocean, with this Internet Technology, we can communicate and establish a nice place to share Music Heritage Cultures
It is really a new Venture for us to be able to create our Own Blog and YouTube Channel, which gives us energy and motivation to fill our life Journey.
In this Pandemic Covid 19 Era, even though most of the time we have to Stay at Home, we as member of this Global Community can still be productive in our own way and manner.
Well, since it is already late at night in Jakarta, I will close my brief illustration and hope that you will enjoy reading this brief writing illustration and enjoy my above Song Play called Juwita Malam - which Agung Played it in a Jazzy Cha-Cha CHA Rhythm.
By Continuously & regularly practicing & making experimental combination moves in playing Keyboard with your finger skills, it will result :
(i) increasing your ear listening skills and your
(ii) finger flexibility movements in your 8 White Key and 5 Black Key Notes within the 1(One) Octave in your right and left hand.
In the progress of your play you will master & Control the 8 White Keys and 5 Black Keys in your finger tips.
You can further explore the sounds of the key in your Keyboard. There is the Major and Minor sounds when you explore your finger movements.
You do not have to be afraid in making false sounds, since every thing starts with your ability in making combination with your fingers in your right and left hand.
Put on & seek the proper Drum Beat Sounds in your Keyboard, which is close to Bossa Nova and Jazzy Beats.
Adjust your finger play movements in your right & left hand with the 8 (Eight) White and 5(Five) Black Key, where each of the 1(One) Octave
Each 1(one) Octave always consists of Do-Re-Me-Fa-Sol-La-Si-Do on the 8 White Key
Whereas, the Minor / Flat 5 (Five) Black Key lies on the left and right side of Both of your Right & Left Hand.
Start Mixing Jazzy & Bossa Nova Beats & Rhythms , with your Finger Movements in your Left and Right Hand.
For sure you have to regularly & Continuously Practice your Finger skills movements & Seek the proper Combination on your 8 (Eight) White and 5 (Five) Black Color Key in each of your 1 ( One) Octave, by increasing your Ear Listening Skills and Using your Brain to seek the Proper Key that your are presseing with your Fingers .
Well the above are my brief illustration as : How TO MIXED Jazzy Bossa Nova Beat in Playing Songs in your Keyboard.
From my experience, and observation from the Blogger and YouTuber expertise, the followings points are among others we have to consider in choosing Content in our Blog or YouTube Channel :
"Choose & Focus on a certain "Topic", we are mastering & have the passion & love to make illustration or upload a certain Recorded Video .
b) People in the Internet, will know where to find answers or issues relating to such certain Particular Topic.
c) Choose the "Name" of your BLOG & YouTube Channel, which is Consistent with the Content or Topic which we Choose.
d) Seek the Proper Label and Tags
e) Search Engine will show your BLOG or YOUTUBE CHANNEL if you Choose the Proper Label, Categories, Tags.
Actually, me as a Blogger and YouTuber is also in the learning process, and tries to learn & improve my Knowledge - Know How, to be a good responsible Blogger and YouTuber.
The above Song Play is one of the Video Recording Product of AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL, which is shared to the Kind Viewers around the Globe, with the above brief illustration.
From my experience playing Keyboard during this 6 (Six) Months since October 2020, when I created my YouTube Channel, which I name it AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL, inspired by the name of my AGUNGSS MUSIC BLOG, I would like to expose some significant Points as to : How DO You Expose Playing Jazz Via Keyboard, as follows:
AA) Really having passion and loving playing songs with making improvisations Via your Keyboard Music Instrument.
BB) Dare exploring freedom in expressing your feelings via Keyboard.
CC) Identify your unique style & character in playing songs with your Keyboard.
DD) Regularly practise playing Keyboard by making combination with the 8 (Eight) White Key and 5 (Five) Key in each 1(one) Octave in your Keyboard
EE) Improve our Listening sounds on the 8 (Eight) Key Notes & 5 (Five) Key Notes in each 1(one) Octave in our Keyboard.
FF) Be fully aware that "IN FACT" there are only 5 (Octaves) in your Keyboard - Roland E -28, where each 1(One) Octave shall always only consists of 8 (Eight ) White Key Notes & 5 (Five) Black Key Notes
GG) The difference between the 5 (Five) Octaves is in the SCALE from :
Low Bass in the Left side of your Keyboard gradually increasing much higher to the Left Side of your Keyboard
By regularly practicing the above points, Insya AllAH (or with the permit of ALLAH as the Creator of this Whole Universe), we can Reach the Goal Target of playing Keyboard, which is :
"Mastering and Controlling"
the Combination of the 8 (Eight) White Key plus 5(Five) Black Key.
This is analog to be the Captain and Pilot of your Car, where you as the Driver of the Car, can Master & Control the direction where we want to go with your Car.
II) Once in the progress of your practicing playing by Mastering & Controlling the 8 (Eight) White Key Notes & 5 (Five) Black Key Notes in each Octave of your Right and Left Hand,
you can have the full freedom in exploring & expressing your feeling in your finger Skills Movement by making :
any Combination between the 8(Eight) White Key - Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La Si-Do and the 5(Five) Black Key which in essence is 1/2(half) increasing or 1/2 (half) decreasing the White Key between each Black Key i.e :
"Do" Plus 1/2 (Half) is equal to "Re" Minus 1/2(Half) (Please see the Photo Picture of the EIght White and 5 Black Key, shown in this brief illustration).
"Fa" Plus 1/2 (Half) is equal with Sol minus 1/2 (Half)
La plus 1/2 (half) is equal to Si Minus 1/2(Half)
SOL plus 1/2 (Half) is equal to La minus 1/2 (HalF)
* REMARKS : 1/2 (Half) is the Black Color Key in the Keyboard
We have to "Focus" in using our "Ear Listening FUNCTION" to the sounds coming out from the Keyboard as results of pressing your fingers of your right and left hand
We also have to be "Focus" in using our brain to practice the finger movements skills in combining & putting the fingers in our Right and Left Hand on the 8 (Eight) White Key & 5 (Five) Black Color Key of your Right Hand & Left Hand.
Once you master & control the 8 (Eight ) White Key & 5 (Five) Black Key in each of the 1(One)Octave, you will be amazed in the progress of your discipline in training and practicing yourFinger Skil Movements, you will enjoy the :
"By Product & Result" of your regularly practicing and playing your Keyboard, where you can explore playing improvisations, free style and exposing Jazz Rhythm on the songs that you are playing with your Keyboard.
Well I hope the above brief illustration will inspire you as HOW DO YOU EXPOSE PLAYING JAZZ VIA KEYBOARD.
One of the Concrete "By Product & Result, after, me as the creator of this AGUNGSS MUSIC BLOG and AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL, have regularly practiced playing my Keyboard with the above significant points, on a daily basis for more than 6 (Six) Months from October 2020.
I just produced this Indonesian Old Song, which is great to be played in my Keyboard this morning with a Jazzy Taste Rhythm.
Even this song is an old song, but until this present moment many Indonesian Musicians loves to play this song in a Jazzy Rhythm.
In my observations, songs which are composed by Ismail Marzuki, an Indonesian famous songs Composer, are Songs which are nice to be played in Jazzy Rhythm.
Since I am really having passion in playing Jazzy songs, I just pick my Hand Phone and made a Video Recording to this Lovely Indonesian Song, with Jazz Rhythm.
I than edited this Video Recording and upload in my YouTube Channel called AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL
I than upload it in this AGUNGSS MUSIC BLOG of mine so that I can make some brief illustration.
Since writing is also my hobby and passion, it is really exiting for me to make this brief illustration in mys music blog, to be able to give some back ground and glance picture of such Indonesian Song called Payung Fantasi ( Fantasy Umbrella) to the Viewers outside of Indonesia.
Accordingly, Indonesian musicians from the old times, loves Jazz Music, which is demonstrated by the Song Play which I just launched in my YouTube Channel called AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL
I hope this brief illustration and song play of the above Video Recording called Payung Fππantasi ( Umbrella Fantasy) will be enjoyable by the Viewers of this music blog.
a) The art of playing song in Keyboard is really exiting and interesting.
b) As a Youtuber and Blogger, focusing in playing Keyboard, we have to practice regularly in playing or Keyboard to improve our Finger Skills Movement.
c) Create a Qualified Content that you are in Passion and love doing such activity.
d)Be patient since there is no instant result, but needs processing including increasing your Knowledge in Playing the Keyboard, as well as building your YouTube Channel and your Blog.
e) Be Focus on the Specific Content That you Choose to Develop.
In the Progress, you will be amazed that you have made several Contents focusing in the Specific Theme that your are mastering and is always eager to improve the Knowledge and Skills to be a Good Independent Blogger and YouTuber.
I have started to be a Blogger and YouTuber focusing in making and Sharing SOngs played in my Keyboard since last October 2020, which means it had been 5 (Five) to 6 (Six) Months .
I hope I can regularly learn and improve my Knowledge in developing this AGUNGSS MUSIC Blog and my AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL in YouTube.Platform including the Knowledge of Producing Video Records.
Well, I have completed this brief illustration and hope you will all enjoy this illustration and the Song Play called Sweet Monday Night Song - Keyboard by me Agung Supomo Suleiman
I have just launched the Video Recording of the Song - Over the Rainbow - with Improvisation and Free Style.
The process of launching, does not take long.
Since I hade practiced playing this Song when I previously upload playing the above song with my in Laws in my earlier Video Recording around the month of March 2021 :
Thus, I do not need much time to make improvisations and playing it on my own Free Style Manner
With the Character of having passion to make improvisation and playing songs with my Own Free Style, I really feel the freedom of expression in playing such song with my own free style.
It just automatically flows in my left and right fingers in expressing such song in my Keyboard with my own Style.
I am really having fun and passion in making improvisation and playing with a free style of my own version and interpretation in playing such song, when I play it alone in my Keyboard.
It is a Shiny Day in Jakarta this Sunday Morning, May 10, 2021 .
After taking few hour rest, from doing our early eating called "Sahur", prior to our "Fasting" in this Holy Month of Ramadhan, and say our Subuh Prayer, I opened my Laptop and made this brief illustration, relating to making improvisation and free style to my Keyboard play to this Song Over the Rainbow.
I also upload photo of this Shiny Morning Day in Jakarta, by sharing you the picture of the Shiny Day in Jakarta thru the Beautiful Green Plants in front of the little garden at my home.
Well, I hope you enjoy reading my illustration and listening to my Above Song Play in my AGUNGSS MUSIC BLOG
Your Own Video Recorded Play in your You Tube Channel, in addition to being shared in your Blog Music Blog has also to be shared from your Own YouTube Channel which for me is called AGUNGSS MUSIC CHANNEL
By doing the above actions, as the VIDEO RECORDING YOUTUBE AND BLOGGER PRODUCER you are spreading your Knowledge of the Content of your Own Blog and your Own YouTube Channel which results "Added Value" to your Content of illustrations in your Music Blog and your Song Play in your respective own YouTube Channel.
Don't forget to Apply for Google Adsense, to self-monetize your Music Blog and Your Own YouTube Channel.
We are fully aware that all the above Social Media Platforms, needs funds to operate their respective Social Media.
This is done among others, by increasing their Viewers of each of their Social Media, as a process to . generate their revenue to cover their
(a) Capital Expenses ("Capex),
(b) Operating Expense ( "Opex")
among others by getting business arrangement with Global Business Companies who needs platforms in the internet forum, to market and advertise their Products to the Customers, where Google who creates the Worldwide Google Platform, is having certain business arrangements with the Advertisement Agent /Company namely Adsense.
Note :
The above is the Brief Illustration on the Topic of : BE YOUR OWN GLOBAL VIDEO RECORDING YOUTUBER AND BLOGGER PRODUCER
As a Closing, I do hope you can enjoy the above Indonesian Song played by me via Keyboard called NUANSA BENING ( "Clear Nuance")
As a YouTuber and BLOGGER you must create a Strategy fast communication with global Viewers.
The FIRST step is :
In this Global Digital Borderless Era, one of the Main SIGNIFICANT Strategy is to be creative in sharing your YouTube Video Recording to your Blog.
By doing so, you can make brief illustration explaining and passing messages through writing to your Kind Viewers in the Social Media Platform.
By making brief illustration relating to your YouTube Video Recording you can establish effective communication with all the Viewers of your You Tube Channel and Your Music Blog.
You can share and post each of your above Illustrations and Song Play from your Music Blog to several Social Media available in the Internet Platform such as Twitter, LinkendIn, Tublr, Quora where each of such Social Media has many Viewers and members.
Since the Topic of your YouTube Channel and Music Blog is relating to Keyboard Play Video Recording, than if available you post or share it in the music category.
I have also share it with Music Lovers in several Jazz Community in Jazz Face Book among others
(i) post the Headings of your respective Illustrations and Song Play to the above mentioned Social Media,
(ii) in addition to the above Post Heading, if you have time you can Copy and Cut Paste your written Illustration in the above Social Media Platforms.
By performing the above actions and steps, you will gain many Viewers and and establish Fast Effective Communication with many Global Viewers.
Thus you can spread your Knowledge from the Illustrations that you have made, which will be an "Added Value" to your Content of the illustrations in your Music Blog and your Song Play in your respective own YouTube Channel.
Furthermore your above Content of Brief Illustration and Song Play Video Recording can have an "Added Value" to all "the Stack holders" in the Social Media Media Platform including the employees working in the Global Products including your Living Country Place, since their Goods and Products can be sold to their respective targeted Customers Worldwide.
I am able to write the above brief illustration, since for nearly more than 35 (Thirty Five) Years, I was practicing my professions as In House Oil & Gas Company (namely Huffco/Vico Indonesia) and a Copper and Gold Mining Company PT Freeport Indonesia.
Both of the above companies are operating in Indonesia
I was also practicing as Business Lawyer / Independent Business Lawyer, where I had served my legal services to Clients, who are all Business Companies operating in Indonesia.
In this Business Community Chain, we are fully aware that Marketing and Advertising Agent, is one of the significant element in the Global Business Chain to be able to sell the Business Products used and required by the Business Companies.
As an example as shown in the above You Tube Video Recording you can watch my Song Play in Keyboard called "Soft Smooth Jazz - Keyboard - by Agung Supomo Suleiman
I hope my above brief illustration be useful to all the Nice GLOBAL Viewers and please enjoy the above Song Play.
Today I would like to illustrate exploring free style improvisation playing songs via Keyboard Musical Instrument.
As a Keyboard player, who is playing without Teacher and without Sheet NOTES, but rather by learning by himself, you tend to explore more deeply upon the potential that a human being can experiment in playing Keyboard Music Instrument.
This depends upon the character of the individual who is playing such Keyboard.
If you are falling under the category / group of individual who likes to make "experimental moves" in your life journey you tend to explore and go out of "the conventional routine activities".
Relating to playing songs via your Keyboard, you are eager to make experimental in playing the songs that you know by making free style improvisations upon a song with sort of a free style finger movements.
One of the experimental moves is exploring Free Style in playing certain Songs via your Keyboard.
From my experience in playing songs via Keyboard, I am not sure what categories of rhythm, I am experimenting.
Since, I just want to explore making improvisations to play in "getting out" of the conventional rigid style, which I called it Free Style or Improvisation
From my observation, on an individual by individual basis, it could be different from one individual to other individual upon the manner such person in making improvisation to such song that such individual is playing.
It could be a Dynamic, it could be Jazzy or Bossa Nova or a certain environment unique culture place of Music Rhythm, or whatever style such person has as an inner "Potential Uniqueness".
This is based upon the life journey experienced, of each individual, starting from birth as having been planted the "Built In Program Music DNA Style Character", of such individual, as granted / given by the Creator of mankind living in this One Global World.
This potential uniqueness is further influenced and shaped by the life experienced journey of such individual from each and every "Mile Stone" of such individual life experienced.
The Mile Stone o f Life Journey of each and every Individual could be on a :
(i) 5 (Five) Years Mile Stone or
(ii) 10 (Ten) Years Mile Stone.
The above is just based on my observation, which could be interpreted differently by others.
One real example result of the above illustration is the Video Recording showing implementation of such Free Style Improvisations playing songs via Keyboard, is the above Keyboard played by me as one of the YouTuber focusing on Video Recording Keyboard Play :
"Misty Freestyle" by Agung Supomo Suleiman
"Rayuan Pulau Kelapa Improvisation" ( an Indonesian Song) by Agung Supomo Suleiman
This Morning I just produce my own Created Song which I named it Morning Breeze.
I used the Ring Fill Light and the Professional Light Stand, which I just recently purchased from ITC Fatmawati in one of the Photo Accessories STORE, 1st Floor.
PHOTOS of the the BOX of the Ring Fill Light and the Professional Light Stand are uploaded in this Illustration
Photo of the Ring Fill Light and the Professional Light Stand are uploaded herein :
As you can see I have also attached the Hand Phone Holder to the Light Stand.
The Hand Holder is separate Device from such Light Stand.
In the Ring Fill Light there is also a Hand Phone Holder
As a YouTuber, I really am happy being equipped with the above Supporting Devices for making a Video Recording,
Thus, the feeling of happy appears to be reflected in playing the above song which was played and created by me and I named it Morning Breeze.
In the Digital Era, it is easy for us as YouTubers and Bloggers, to create s song, because when we are on the mood of playing and creating a song, we can immediately make a Video Recording of the Song that we are playing from our heart at a certain moment such as this Morning Breeze Song with our Hand Phone devices which has a Video Camera built - in on it.
I will than upload and share it in my Music Blog called AGUNGSS MUSIC BLOG, which I will make a brief illustration as you are reading at this moment and may also listen to the result of Video Recording processing as described above.