Friday, April 23, 2021

Que Sera - Sera -Jazzy Rhythm - Keyboard by Agung Supomo Suleiman🎹🎼🎼🎵🔈🎬👌😀

Yes, I like music which sounds Jazzy. 

Accordingly when I play a Song whatever the Song is,  I always try to make experiment by playing such music into a Jazzy Rhythm  or any kind of Improvisation whatever you name it. 

By playing a song  with my own free style, which perhaps is close to a Jazzy sound I really feel free to express  my inner deeper feeling to seek a way to go "Out of the Box", and explore to make some improvisation, which might be close to a Jazzy Rhythm or Jazzy Sound.

Due to my above habit and  character, if I am introduce to a certain Song, I than seek and  try to play  improvisation, which sounds rather close  to a Jazzy Rhythm or Bossa Nova..

By improvising  such Song I really feel really alive,  like a free bird flying in the borderless sky.

It is similar to a situation which I do not like to be  caged in a Cubical Room from  8 in the Morning until  18.00 at night, when I practiced my Professional as an Independent Business Lawyer.  

Even though it is a small bird, but the small  bird, such bird  have the opportunity to fly to any place the small bird wants.

Thus, "analog" with the character of such Small Bird, I  like to make  improvisation upon any song which  I learn to play. .  

Based on the above  typical Character, since   I have the passion to Play Keyboard or Piano, I than firstly  have to master first  all the provided Key either the 8 (Eight ) White Key and the 5 (Five) Black Key found in such Keyboard or Piano

As I have earlier made illustration, in a Piano there are 7(seven) Octaves, and 5 (Five) Octaves  in a Keyboard like the Type that I have which is Roland E-28. 
Each Octave always consist of  8 (Eight) White Key and 5(Five) Black Key as shown  in the Picture which I Upload to this Illustration. 

There is no risk and trying to seek different of combination in pressing the 8 White Key and 5 Black , other than strange  un-harmonized sound heard by your 2(Two) Ears.

Thus in focusing on the Hearing Function of our Ear to the Sound of the Key Notes pressed by our Fingers  in the Right and Left hand,  at a certain time when you regularly practice playing your Keyboard, you will than master  the movements of your the Keyboard..

Please trust me because I learned playing  Piano and Keyboard by myself without any Teacher..

So you have to combine Your Finger Skills Movement by First mastering the Sound of each Note in 1(One Octave, which always contains of such 8 (Eight) White Key and 5 (Five) Black Key as shown in the above picture.

The Difference between 1 (one) Octave and the other are only Lower Bass until   become  more higher Sound which is known as Treble.

I my Childhood I learned Classical Music with Violin, by learning Book Notes, as taught by my Violin Teacher.

But that was long time ago.

And now in my Senior Citizen age, I  start  enjoying and practicing my Keyboard Play and making an Album through this AGUNGSS MUSIC BLOG as well as becoming a YouTuber, making my Own YouTube Channel called Agung Supomo Suleiman with the address :

I did not realize that I have already Upload 80 (Eighty ) Video Recording with Categories are shown on the Playlist of my You Tube Maybe because I have already Produced 80 Videos, during this 5(Five) Months since October 2020, where  I  actively shared  the YouTube Video Recording in my AGUNGSS MUSIC BLOG, my application to Google AdSense was approved to this music blog of mine.

Accordingly, the Content of this Music Blog also covers the brief illustration of the Process of the Video Recording, thus Viewers who has the same interest to make Content upon their Blog can, each other  share the same experienced among the Bloggers and YouTubers               

Well, it is already  getting late night on this Friday Night in Jakarta, 1 ask permission to leave this blog illustration.

I hope you will enjoy reading this Brief Illustration about my experience as a Blogger and YouTuber in this case concentrating on passion and fun in making improvisation on Songs to convert into Jazzy Rhythm   or any Free Style Sound and Music Modification Expression.

Jakarta, April 24, 2021
Agung Supomo Suleiman  


  1. If you are trying to bring classical Dangdut to your favourites of Jazz and will loose the basic requirements of that Dangdut...the sadly and melancholic deep expression melody...


    1. Dear Pak Surtiwa, I do appreciate your visit and reading my above illustration.

      I haven't tried playing Dangdut song and convert it into Jazz Rhythm.
      You may be right....I agree with you that several Dangdut Songs sounds sadly deep expressing composed by the author of such Dangdut Songs demonstrating his/her daily live.
      Maybe Kopi Dangdut Song sounds rather similar with Latin American Rhythm.
      I understand that there are also Arabic Influence in some of the Latin American Song.
      And maybe Dangdut Song like Kopi Dangdut also appears to have Arab influence.

      At one time I will try to explore the Rhythm of this Dangdut Song.

      Thanks again for your kind Visit, and your nice comments....
