It is really challenging to create something during this Pandemic Covid-19 Period which has been Globally wide spread for more than 1 Year since last March 2020.In order to stay healthy, we have to be busy doing something worth to avoid stress which can reduce our body stamina.For Bloggers and YouTubers like me, we are used to create content in our Blog.
(a) our Video Recording in our YouTube Channel to be shared and linked to(b) our Blog which for me relating to music issues I had created my own Blog as a Blogger called AGUNGSS MUSIC BLOG.
The difference is that in YouTube most of the task is Recorded Video, however in our Blog we can make a brief illustration relating to the Heading or Title of our Recorded Video.
Accordingly, it really depend upon ourselves, whether we want to be creative during this Pandemic Period with the Online Platform available such as YouTube, Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn.
We are the Players and we are the Producer by Publishing interesting Content to our Blog and YouTube Channel which for me is called Agung Supomo Suleiman YouTube Channel with the address :
Well, the above is the above brief illustration snapshot relating to the task as a YouTuber combined with being a Blogger in this Global Borderless Digital Era.
I hope you enjoy reading my above brief writing and my above YouTube Video Recording upon the song which I called it "Sweet Tuesday Rhythm.
Cheers and warmest regards from Jakarta, Indonesia
Jakarta, April 20, 2021
Agung Supomo Suleiman
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